Statutory rates April 2024

The new statutory rates for 2024/2025 have been published. Statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental and parental bereavement pay will increase from 7 April 2024 to £184.03 per week (previously £172.48). The rate for statutory sick pay will increase to £116.75 per week (previously £109.40) Amendments to minimum wage and national living wage have also been increased. The new rates of National Living […]
Christmas parties in 2022…

For many of us, it’s been three years since we’ve been to a proper ‘Works’ Christmas do’ so we are fully expecting emails from worried clients when things haven’t exactly gone to plan! If it’s a work-arranged party, work policy and procedures extend to those events. Alcohol, coupled with a more relaxed atmosphere, can influence […]
Bank Holiday announcement for 8th May 2023

What are bank holidays? The very first bank holidays in the UK were introduced in 1821 and included holidays to celebrate royal events and Christian festivals such as Easter. The days were confirmed as 18 days a year in 1830 and then reduced to four in 1934. The term is quite literally days on which […]
How to successfully onboard your new recruit

First day Onboarding is the process of integrating new starters into your organisation and helping to familiarise them with your culture and processes. Onboarding can start before the first day and continue well into the employment journey. Spend time thinking about what impression you want your new recruit to have of you. It helps to […]
Bank holiday announced for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s State Funeral on Monday 19 September

What employers need to know This weekend the Government announced the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II will be held on Monday 19th September 2022. That day will now be a bank holiday. A ‘bank holiday’ does not meant everyone automatically gets a day off work, unless the employment contract allows for it. Check your employment […]
Dealing with resignations

Dealing with resignations It seems apt to launch this blog today, at a time when there have been so many resignations from our government. Resignation should be made in line with the notice periods outlined in the contract of employment. In absence of this (of course, all of you reading this do have employment contracts […]