All aboard! Giving your new hires the best possible start

Onboarding is the process of integrating new starters into your organisation and helping to familiarise them with your culture and processes.
Getting the best out of performance reviews

How can you manage performance reviews to ensure they work positively for you and your team members?
What do you really want?

Objectives matter – here’s why… Our theme this month is setting objectives. Your organisation might call them ‘goals’ or ‘targets’ – or even use another word entirely – but defining and working towards achievable outcomes is important for any business. Our partners at Breathe have compiled an excellent explanation of why it matters to align […]
Effective communication will benefit your business

It’s not what you say – it’s the way that you say it! Strengthen your teams, engage your employees and grow your business by building effective communication within your organisation.
All Change: new rates and legislative changes

Many new rates and legislative changes come into force this month – we’ve rounded up the key points for you.
Top five: tips for supporting a neurodivergent workforce

Most working practices are designed around the needs of neurotypical people, which can make it more difficult for neurodivergent employees to flourish at work. Raising awareness and encouraging understanding can help to attract, retain, and develop neurodivergent team members, creating a more inclusive, diverse and innovative workplace. Here are five ways you can do this.
Access to Work: a grant that could really make a difference

Access to Work is a publicly funded employment support programme. It exists to help people with physical or mental health conditions or disabilities to start or stay in work, or to move into self-employment or start a business (although it doesn’t cover business start-up costs.)
Holiday pay entitlement for part-year and casual workers: implementing new legislation

At the end of last year, the government published guidance about calculating holiday entitlement for part-year and variable-hours workers. As the changes come into effect for those of you with holiday years starting on or after 1 April 2024, we thought it would be useful to share some detailed and practical information to help you prepare.
When it comes to wellbeing, actions speak louder than words

An effective wellbeing strategy begins when you lead by example
What’s your wellbeing strategy for 2024?

Do you have a wellbeing strategy? It might seem like ‘yet another thing’ on the to-do list, but supporting your employees in their working and home lives can really make a difference to your business. Here’s why.